On 04/20/2010 04:47 PM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:
>> I find the policy per se inacceptable, sorry. This is _enterprise_ code,
>> not J. Random Project people install for fun. Anything that is
>> user-visible and has the potential to bring down configurations that
>> work today but wouldn't after the update is a no-go.

I fail to understand why on earth people who have been using
resource-agents 1.0.x (that is to say, installed their stuff in 2009 or
later) would a) run on EVMS, b) make use of EVMS SCCs.

It must be OK to remove dead or outdated functionality. And anything
related to EVMS definitely qualifies. I mean, to use resource-agents,
people would have to convert their clusters to Pacemaker, potentially
switch cluster messaging layers, and quite possibly upgrade to a recent
distro version. And then continue to rely not only on EVMS, but on EVMS'
clustering functionality? Would _you_ do that?

>>>> drbd - conceded, but shouldn't there then be a symlink to the new
>>>> version (which will do work in 99% of all cases unless someone used my
>>>> ill-conceived floating peer support)?
>>> Fine with the idea of the distro doing that via RPM magic.
>> This is _irresponsible_ to our users of the community packaging. I'm at
>> a loss for words.

So you would have a symlink that one package creates, to a script
belonging to another package? I am pretty sure that would violate the
packaging policy of just about any distribution, unless the linking
package also required the package it links to.

I believe your symlink suggestion would essentially mean that
resource-agents would require drbd. Please correct me if you disagree.

> I think that we need a different approach to the matter.

I'm all ears for suggestions. In fact I am much in favor of amending the
RA metadata schema to cover deprecation. Are there any other suggestions
on the table at this point?


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