On Mon, Jul 26, 2010 at 06:39:50PM +0900, Keisuke MORI wrote:
> I've revised the patch so that it drops the old libnet code completely.
> Please apply this into the repository.
> By the way, do we have any plan to release the next
> agents/glue/heartbeat packages from the Linux-HA project?
> I think it's good time to consider them for the best use of pacemaker-1.0.9.

I think glue was released by dejan just before he went on vacation,
though the release announcement is missing (1.0.6).

Heartbeat does not have many changes (appart from some cleanup in the
build dependencies), so there is no urge to release a 3.0.4, but we
could do so any time.

Agents has a few fixes, but also has some big changes.
I have to take an other close look, but yes, I think we should release
an agents 1.0.4 within the next few weeks.

> > BTW, is it correct that most of it could be done by "ip", similar as
> > IPaddr2 does it?  The only thing missing would be a send_arp v6.
> > Anyone want to write an IPv6addr2? ;-)
> "find_if" for IPv6 is also missing if you want to write a script based one.

I'm sure that can be scripted itself around
ip -o -f inet6 a s | grep ...

but we already sort of agreed that this would
not be development time well spent.

: Lars Ellenberg
: LINBIT | Your Way to High Availability
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