On Fri, Feb 04, 2011 at 04:16:23PM +0100, jer...@intuxicated.org wrote:
> Hi,
> I've updated the resource agent so that it tries to establish an LDAP
> connection. Most of the issues where resolved, but I haven't had the time
> yet to test with other OSes so I changed /bin/sh to /bin/bash. I'll try to
> remove bashisms as soon as possible.
> Jeroen

Thanks. This is no actual review,
but only a suggestion to cut down on the "unwieldy for loop"
Dejan complained about.

> #
> # slapd_validate_dirs: retrieves all slapd database directories from the
> #                      configuration file(s) and verifies existence and
> #                      permissions.
> #
> slapd_validate_dirs()
> {
>   local dir
>   local dirs
>   local groups=`groups $user | sed -ne 's/^[^:]\+: \(.*\)$/\1/p' | sed 's/ 
> \+/\\\|/' 2>/dev/null`
>   local perms
>   local result
>   local state
>   [ "$user" = "root" ] && return $OCF_SUCCESS

Why would a world writeable data directory not be a problem
if the service runs as root?

>   if [ -d "$config_file" ]; then
>     for dir in `find "$config_file"/'cn=config' -type f -name olcDatabase* 
> -exec \

Careful, unescaped *, don't do that.
Will break in completely non-obvious ways
if for some obscure reason in the current workingdirectory
there are files named olcDatabase-something.

>                 sed -ne 's/^olcDbDirectory:[[:space:]]\+\(.\+\)/\1/p' {} \;`

find | xargs sed ?
Sure that there is no leading space allowed?
/me is outing himself has ignorant to ldap configuration syntax.

>     do
>       dir=${dir#\"*}

no * necessary, actually the * is misleading here.

>       dir=${dir%\"*}

the same

>       dirs="$dirs$NEWLINE$dir"

what do you $NEWLINE for, there?
do you want to allow for spaces in directories,
but no newline?

>     done

why not strip the quotes in sed as well,
so you can say "dirs=$(whatever)" ?

this should be equivalent to this for loop:
dirs=$(find "$config_file/cn=config" -type f -name "olcDatabase*" -print0 |
        xargs -0 sed -n -e '/^olcDbDirectory:[[:space:]]/!d;' \
                        -e 's/^[^:]*:[[:space:]]*//;s/^"//;s/"$//;p')

>   elif [ -f "$config_file" ]; then
>     for dir in `sed -ne 's/^directory[[:space:]]\+\(.\+\)/\1\n/p' 
> "$config_file"`
>     do
>       dir=${dir#\"*}
>       dir=${dir%\"*}
>       dirs="$dirs$NEWLINE$dir"
>     done

the same,
dirs=$(sed -n -e '/^directory[[:space:]]/!d;' \
              -e 's/^[a-z]*[[:space:]]*//;s/^"//;s/"$//;p' \
                < "$config_file")

what about the else ?
no -d, and no -f either,
probably not existing (ignore specials for a second).
That's not good either?

>   fi

>   state=$OCF_SUCCESS
>   for dir in $dirs; do

In case you actually wanted to allow spaces (but no newlines)
in directory names, as I believe you attempted, with bash you'd do
dirs=($( .... sed ... ))

and then later again
for dir in "${dirs[@]}"; do

But see below.

>     perms=`stat -c "%U:%G:%a" "$dir"`; result=$?
>     if [ $result -eq 0 ]; then
>       echo "$perms" | grep "$user:[^:]\+:7.." >/dev/null 2>&1; result=$?
>       if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
>         if [ -n "$groups" ]; then
>           echo "$perms" | grep "[^:]\+:\($group\|$groups\):.7." >/dev/null 
> 2>&1; result=$?
>         else
>           echo "$perms" | grep "[^:]\+:$group:.7." >/dev/null 2>&1; result=$?
>         fi
>         if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
>           echo "$perms" | grep ":..7" >/dev/null 2>&1; result=$?
>           if [ $result -ne 0 ]; then
>             state=$OCF_ERR_GENERIC
>             ocf_log err "slapd data directory '$dir' is not writable."
>           else
>             ocf_log warn "slapd data directory '$dir' is world writable. Mode 
> 0700 recommended."
>           fi
>         else
>           ocf_log warn "slapd data directory '$dir' is group writable. Mode 
> 0700 recommended."
>         fi
>       else
>         ocf_log warn "slapd data directory '$dir' is accessible by others. 
> Mode 0700 recommended."
>       fi
>     fi
>   done
>   return $state
> }

If I read that correctly, it checks if some directories are
 * in some way writeable by $user
 * complain, if dir is not mode 0700 and owned by $user
 * does not care if it exists (was that intentional?)

dirs=$( find $dirs -maxdepth 0 -not \( -type d -user $user -perm 0700 \) )
for dir in $dirs; do
        if ! su $user -s /bin/sh -c "test -w '$dir'" ; then
                ocf_log err "... $dir not writable by $user ..."
                ocf_log warn "... consider to 'chmod 0700 $dir; chown $user 

Note about spaces in path names... gets more ugly, but doable.
You need to decide wether you want to allow something that
no-one is actually doing, ever ;-)
and simply refuse it, in step 1, when gathering the
list of directories to check.

: Lars Ellenberg
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