On 2011-06-16 09:03, Lars Ellenberg wrote:
> With the current "unique=true/false", you cannot express that.

Thanks. You learn something every day. :)

> Depending on what we chose the meaning to be,
> parameters marked "unique=true" would be required to
>   either be all _independently_ unique,
>   or be unique as a tuple.
> If we want to be able to express both, we need a different markup.
> Of course, we can move the markup out of the parameter description,
> into an additional markup, that spells them out,
> like <unique params="foo,bar" /><unique params="bla" />.
> But using unique=0 as the current non-unique meaning, then
> unique=<small-integer-or-even-named-label-who-cares>, would
> name the scope for this uniqueness requirement,
> where parameters marked with the same such label
> would form a unique tuple.
> Enables us to mark multiple tuples, and individual parameters,
> at the same time.
> Question is: do we really want or need that.

That is a discussion for the updated OCF RA spec discussion, really. And
the driver of that discussion is currently submerged. :)


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