On 2012-05-01 14:59, Yves Trudeau wrote:
> Hi Keisuke,
>      it was half implemented, I went to the least modifications and I
> admit I was not aware of this impact. I can add it back.


I did not follow the list closely during the last couple of months
but would like to integrate some patches that have been lying around
for far too long.

However, I'm not sure about the current state of the mysql ra,
especially as there are some pending commits on github as well
as patches on this mailing list.

I would very much like to get this fixed :)
Yves, could you possibly update your github patches so that we
could simply merge/test/comment them?

DI (FH) Raoul Bhatia M.Sc.          email.          r.bha...@ipax.at
Technischer Leiter

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