NCS has better integration with EVMS, and has data-network heartbeat. It
does not therefore require STONITH.

It has had much more testing than HB for large clusters as well. 20+
node clusters are not uncommon.


Sander van Vugt wrote:
> Hi,
> Just like to know your opinion about the following. A pure Linux shop
> would of course definitely go for Heartbeat as the solution for high
> availability. However, in an environment that comes from Novell's
> NetWare, Novell Cluster Services (NCS) would be the best choice,
> especially if running OESv1 that runs on top of SUSE Linux Enterprise
> Server (SLES) 9. Now in the upcoming Open Enterprise Server 2, which
> runs on top of SLES 10, it appears that customers do have a choice
> between Heartbeat from the SLES stack, or NCS from the OES stack. Does
> anyone have thoughts about that? For example, when clustering something
> like Novell GroupWise in a shop that wants to implement OESv2 later this
> year, to me personally, Heartbeat seems the better choice, since it has
> much more features. What I'd like to know, is there any particular
> reason why in the upcoming OESv2 one would still choose NCS? (Except for
> backward compatibility of course)
> Thanks,
> Sander
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