
thanks for reading this, as it's with ancient v2.0.5., please tell me
that this problem can not happen with recent version of heartbeat.

Problem description:
yesterday in one of our 2node HA-Clusters a successful takeover
happened, where the failed node was  resetted, so far so good.
After I started heartbeat again on the failed node, it tried
to takeover the resources, although they were running
on the other node (BAD!).
Ok, I detected an error in the setup, /var/lib/heartbeat/pengine
was not writable by hacluster, causing this error message:

pengine: [5580]: ERROR: Cannot write to /var/lib/heartbeat/pengine/pe-input-0.bz2: Permission denied

Now my question:

Is this error responsible for the faulty behavior of heartbeat?
Will this error also trigger the faulty behavior in a recent version of
heartbeat?  (Please tell me that it won't).
You may argue that a wrong configuration can cause all sorts
of error behavior but I don't think that heartbeat should have
ignored this error and continue to start the resource.

Thanks for reading this far,


syslog attached.

Attachment: heartbeatlog.gz
Description: GNU Zip compressed data

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