Hi List,

Please take some time to read this, it will help us all.

You know that feeling "this documentation sucks"? You're probably not
the only one (even if it is getting better). For that reason, Alan
Robertson has launched the Heartbeat Education project in April, I
promised to help, so he told me that it is my project and there I am :-)
(If anyone at any point thinks he can do better, PLEASE don't hesitate
to help or take over)

So what's the plan? Basically: get together some decent documentation
and put it on the website: http://www.linux-ha.org/Education The plans
are not well-defined at this moment (you can always let me know if you
have some good suggestions) but I think there's enough ideas to get this
project really started as of today. 

Although I'm a technical author, I'm not planning to write a book (well,
I might later, but that's another story) on Heartbeat and put it on the

The first thing I'd like to do, is to get all the documentation that
already exists. I'm not thinking of HOWTO's etc. as can be found on the
Wiki and different other websites. The way I think it should work: lots
of you probably have these great XML files that help in creating all
kinds of resources in the cluster. The first step I'd like to take, is
to get as much of these as I possible can, and put them on the website
in an organized manner. Even if we have a nice graphical interface
offered by hb_gui, the XML files and cibadmin -C is really the way to go
isn't it? I think it would be a very good start if we have lots of them
on the website, organized as templates (I can make them templates, just
give me your files please :-). Then finally, this is going to look like:


-       Setting Generic Cluser properties; click <here> for the example and
use cibadmin -C -o crm_config -x blah.xml to insert it in your cluster.
-       Creating an IP address resource.....
-       Creating an OCFS2 file system resource....


I know, it is a limited way and far from complete, but it's a good
start, at least, in my opinion. 

-       Your XML files
-       Input from Alan/Lars/Andrew on how to put them on the website in a
decent way. 
-       Your input/help in general on how we can improve this Heartbeat
Education Project.

Let's make Heartbeat the best documented project ever!

Thanks in advance,

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