On 2007-07-05T12:38:34, Sander van Vugt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Agreed, this is the first part that we can take care of, and we can do
> this fast. Most interesting piece here is how we are going to get it on
> the website. I am not *at all* an expert in how to organize these
> things, but we should make sure that everyone can benefit from it in an
> organized way. If someone could help me getting started in creating the
> website content I'm willing to take care of that. 

A lot of the content is already there. The biggest problem really is
structuring it.

> Would it be an idea to create this portal page (phase 2 of the project)
> that just links to all the information that can be found on the Wiki?

I'm not sure it's a single page, but yes. Start with creating a table of
contents, link from there what we already have, and then work on filling
in the gaps or reworking the existing content to be consistent.

> IMHO this portal page should be the responsability of a few, not of many
> like the wiki, just to make sure that structure and overview is
> maintained.

Yes. The portal page should be led by someone. And I think you just
volunteered. ;-)

> In the ideal world, thse few would get an update message
> once information has been added to the Wiki (can that be automated?),

That already works. You can signup for notifications on your preferences
page in the wiki; I am subscribed to ".*", so I get notifications for

> so that the portal page can be updated. Unfortunately, this - I'm
> affraid - - is going to be manual work. 

At least if it is entirely new content which doesn't have a link from
the table of contents yet, yes.

> To be honest, the Wiki is more or less a disorganized place by nature.

That's not entirely true. Wikipedia has a nice structure, categories et
cetera; and a portal needs to be editable and fixable by others as

The "problem" is that Wikis tend to encourage sloppyness, in particular
if their is no existing structure to put your new content into. If we
had such a structure and strongly encouraged and maintained it, it would
do well.

> I'm afraid we loose sight on the structure if we do it from there. What
> would you think of this "portal page" on www.linux-ha.org/Education?
> That way we can separate the dynamic part from the static part. 

Everything is dynamic, just some pages are going to change less ;-)

> > And, if the documentation examples could be "regression tested" so they
> > always work.
> > 
> Agreed, but again, that might involve a lot of work. What if for example
> we put in version numbers of HB versions where the examples have been
> created on? Seems like a decent start to me, that involves a lot less
> effort.

Yes, that would be a great start! And possibly introduce a
CategoryOutdated, so that users can flag pages with examples which need
to be overhauled easily.


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