Hi all,

A while back I tried getting Heartbeat 2.0.x working with DRBD 8.0.x, which failed - I beleive because DRBD 8.0.x is not supported by that version of heartbeat.

I've seen mention of plenty of people trying to use DRBD 8.0.x with Heartbeat 2.1, but I haven't been able to find any official documentation saying that DRBD 8.0.x will work with Heartbeat 2.1.x

I'm looking at playing with a Master/Slave (Primary/Secondary) setup, not a setup with two DRBD primaries.

Should DRBD 8.0.x work in this type of configuration with Heartbeat 2.1.x, or is DRBD 0.7.x still the only choice?


Robert Davidson,
Obsidian Consulting Group.
Ph. 03-9355-7844

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