Sloan wrote:
> Robert Davidson wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> A while back I tried getting Heartbeat 2.0.x working with DRBD 8.0.x,
>> which failed - I beleive because DRBD 8.0.x is not supported by that
>> version of heartbeat.
>> I've seen mention of plenty of people trying to use DRBD 8.0.x with
>> Heartbeat 2.1, but I haven't been able to find any official
>> documentation saying that DRBD 8.0.x will work with Heartbeat 2.1.x
>> I'm looking at playing with a Master/Slave (Primary/Secondary) setup,
>> not a setup with two DRBD primaries.
>> Should DRBD 8.0.x work in this type of configuration with Heartbeat
>> 2.1.x, or is DRBD 0.7.x still the only choice?
> I'm running a heartbeat-2.1.2-10 cluster on suse 10.3, which comes with
> drbd-0.8. The resource (primary/secondary drbd, reiserfs filesystem, ip
> address, mysql database) all come up and fail over properly as far as I
> can see. I'm far from an expert on this, but I followed the docs at
> and it wasn't too hard to figure out.

Excuse the typo - I wrote" drbd-0.8" in my reply above, but somehow
there was an order of magnitude version jump from drbd-0.7 to drbd-8.0,
which I missed.


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