
I recently upgraded our test cluster (heartbeat 2.1.2/drbd 8.2.0/2 nodes) to the new crm and I have some "problems" with the gui.

   * When I stop a group normally the resources of the group are
     stopped ? In my case some times yes and some times no... What is
     the normal process to stop from the gui a group ?
   * I have the "auto_failback" disabled by setting the
     "resource_stickiness"  to "INFINITY" (I set also to INFINITY the
     "resource_failure_stickiness" but I do not find the sense of this
     parameter). When I change the status of a node to "standby" all
     the resources of this node migrate to the other node (no problem),
     but now what is the way to manually recover from the gui these
     resources to the default node (like the "hb_standby failback").

Best regards.


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