
a week earlier I asked wether there was a resource agent that implements Master/Slave for a Postgres Cluster using slony-1 replication.

There was not, so I tried to implement it myself.

I want to report back to give an explanation and reference on why I think it is not possible (at the moment) to implement this in heartbeat.

Here we go:

Short summary of slony-1 replication:
In a slony-1 replication setup
* Tables are put together to replication "sets"
* Each set has an "origin" (master)
* Only the origin can be written to
* There can be multiple sets with a different origin each
* There can be multiple "subscribers" (slaves) for each set
* Subscribers are read-only

As you have to somewhat connect the master role to the health of postgres itself, this restricts you to the use of only one set or manage all sets at once. Well, okay, I think I could live with this.

Slony-1 implements two commands for "switchover" and "failover". I mean Switchover when I want to do a planned switch of roles when all machines are healthy. I mean failover when the Master has a problem and the Slave takes over.

So now comes the tricky part.
In slony-1 you cannot make an origin a subscriber without making another subscriber the new origin. This happens in ONE command. So there are no independent "demote" and "promote" commands. In a two machine setup you cannot have two slaves at a time.

In other words: "Promote" implicitely demotes the other machine, "Demote" implicitely promotes the other machine.

So I thought I could implement "demote" as "return 0", as "promote" on the other machine will do the job anyway. Well, not the best idea as a "monitor" action on the apparently demoted machine will still return Master Status until "promote" on the second machine finished.

Furthermore, the switchover command will fail if the other machine is not responding. In case the current master really has a problem, all you can do get a writeable database on the current slave is to use the failover command. But Linux-HA only knows "promote" and "demote".

So I implemented some promote and demote the following way:

#### promote
if switchover_to_me
        return 0
        if ! switchover_to_me
                return $?

#### demote
# dont care if this works as it cannot work if
# the other machine is not healthy
return 0

What you also need to know about slony-1 is the fact that you need to resync the COMPLETE data after a failover. In slony-1 it is not possible to let a failed node rejoin the slony-Cluster (even if it was healthy when the failover command was issued). It has to fetch ALL data from the new master. So you want to avoid failover if it is not absolutely necessary.

Up to now I thought my RA could handle a few cases and it turns out: SOME it can handle (like master reboot or slave reboot or controlled switchover). But a simple thing as killing postgres on the master machine causes a failover. Why?:

Say A is master, B is slave at this moment

1. monitor on A fails
2. Linux-HA executes demote on A
-> As you see above, this will work even if it does nothing
3. Linux-HA executes promote on B
-> This, as postgres on A is not running, will end up in a failover (see above)

This is pretty much it. If you have any ideas on how to improve this or if you also think that this is impossible with the current master/slave implementation in Linux-HA - please respond.

The whole "separately demote and promote" approach in Linux-HA seems to just not fit the way slony-1 handles switchover and failover.

If you have any more questions (it can well be I forgot something), just ask - I'll be happy to help improve Linux-HA.

Best regards
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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