On 2008-02-19T12:11:26, Sebastian Reitenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> there ordered is set to false. I have the group running, and when I then 
> e.g. want to stop the resource D2, then D3 stops too. Only when I change 
> collocated to false, then D3 keeps running when I stop D2.
> Seems to be not working as I understood it. Am I missing anything important 
> here, or maybe just a bug? 

This is working as expected, I think. Because the resources are required
to be collocated, but you stopped one, the others also have to stop.

See the comment in the DTD:


Specify where a resource should run relative to another resource

Make rsc 'from' run on the same machine as rsc 'to'

If rsc 'to' cannot run anywhere and 'score' is INFINITY, 
  then rsc 'from' wont be allowed to run anywhere either
If rsc 'from' cannot run anywhere, then 'to' wont be affected


(You can force this to be bidirectional if you set symmetrical to true for the
colocation constraint; I don't think you can set that for groups.)


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
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