On Feb 19, 2008, at 4:24 PM, Lars Marowsky-Bree wrote:

On 2008-02-19T15:49:28, Sebastian Reitenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

Make rsc 'from' run on the same machine as rsc 'to'

If rsc 'to' cannot run anywhere and 'score' is INFINITY,
 then rsc 'from' wont be allowed to run anywhere either
If rsc 'from' cannot run anywhere, then 'to' wont be affected


(You can force this to be bidirectional if you set symmetrical to true for
colocation constraint; I don't think you can set that for groups.)

I am aware of that, thanks. But I wanted to use groups, to not need such a
lot of constraints.

Yeah, I agree. You'd need N:N-1 constraints to get what you want, which
probably wouldn't make you happy ;-)

You could all colocate them with another resource (if there is one they
need to share; perhaps the fs?) This would reduce the number to N

Or, you could use a non-colocated, non-ordered group, and then define a
rsc_location rule to make them all run on the same node if available.

Or, a colocation constraint from that group to the resource you want to
collocate with. I'm not sure this works. Would reduce the number to 1

Groups were meant as a short-hand for the most common case, and now
people find out other uses for them; we need to find ways how to make
the groups more powerful, or the constraints (to reduce the need for
more powerful groups).

Without doubt the later and not the former :-)


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
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