On 2008-02-27T17:18:32, Sebastian Reitenbach <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Your conclusions are more or less the same, I had.
> However, I'll create a bug report later. unfortunately, still no idea how it 
> happened. We removed the duplicate entries, replacing the CIB 
> (cibadmin -R -o resources), then everything was working normal again. We try 
> to fiddle around a bit with the cluster, to try to reproduce the problem. 
> When we figure out, what caused it, then I'll add this to the bug report 
> too, but I'm not very optimistic about that yet ;)

All commandline tools log how they were invoked. All CIB states are
archived in /var/lib/heartbeat/pengine; but yes, this looks as if it was
caused by the GUI somehow.


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
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