
Achim Stumpf wrote:

I had some problems with my subscription and e-mail, so I send my forst mail again here:

I am using Heartbeat 2.0.8 on Fedora 7.

It's a two node cluster Activie/Passive with crm activated.

The cluster starts up fine, but if i block with iptables the ping nodes on the active node, then it will not start the resources on the other node.

In the logs I see of the actove node:

Apr  2 10:28:16 sputnik mysql[11916]: [11925]: INFO: MySQL monitor succeded
Apr 2 10:28:17 sputnik apache[11926]: [11986]: INFO: 10:28:17 URL: [1765/1765] -> "-" [1]
Apr  2 10:28:55 sputnik heartbeat: [11577]: WARN: node routers: is dead
Apr 2 10:28:55 sputnik heartbeat: [11577]: info: Link routers:routers dead. Apr 2 10:28:55 sputnik crmd: [11592]: notice: crmd_ha_status_callback: Status update: Node routers now has status [dead] Apr 2 10:28:55 sputnik pingd: [11594]: notice: pingd_nstatus_callback: Status update: Ping node routers now has status [dead] Apr 2 10:28:55 sputnik pingd: [11594]: info: send_update: 0 active ping nodes Apr 2 10:28:55 sputnik pingd: [11594]: notice: pingd_lstatus_callback: Status update: Ping node routers now has status [dead] Apr 2 10:28:55 sputnik pingd: [11594]: notice: pingd_nstatus_callback: Status update: Ping node routers now has status [dead] Apr 2 10:28:55 sputnik pingd: [11594]: info: send_update: 0 active ping nodes Apr 2 10:28:56 sputnik crmd: [11592]: WARN: get_uuid: Could not calculate UUID for routers Apr 2 10:28:56 sputnik crmd: [11592]: info: crmd_ha_status_callback: Ping node routers is dead
Apr  2 10:29:16 sputnik mysql[12017]: [12026]: INFO: MySQL monitor succeded
Apr 2 10:29:18 sputnik apache[12027]: [12087]: INFO: 10:29:18 URL: [1766/1766] -> "-" [1] Apr 2 10:29:25 sputnik attrd: [11591]: info: attrd_timer_callback: Sending flush op to all hosts for: pingd Apr 2 10:29:26 sputnik attrd: [11591]: info: attrd_ha_callback: flush message from sputnik.test Apr 2 10:29:26 sputnik attrd: [11591]: info: attrd_ha_callback: Sent update 5: pingd=0 Apr 2 10:29:27 sputnik cib: [11588]: info: cib_diff_notify: Update (client: 11591, call:5): 0.1.28 -> 0.1.29 (ok) Apr 2 10:29:27 sputnik cib: [11588]: info: cib_diff_notify: Update (client: 7817, call:5): 0.1.29 -> 0.1.30 (ok) Apr 2 10:29:27 sputnik cib: [12088]: info: write_cib_contents: Wrote version 0.1.30 of the CIB to disk (digest: f337be40ad9bed30d302a4af031b5cf1)
Apr  2 10:30:16 sputnik mysql[12115]: [12124]: INFO: MySQL monitor succeded
Apr 2 10:30:18 sputnik apache[12125]: [12185]: INFO: 10:30:18 URL: [1766/1766] -> "-" [1]
Apr  2 10:31:16 sputnik mysql[12210]: [12219]: INFO: MySQL monitor succeded
Apr 2 10:31:18 sputnik apache[12220]: [12280]: INFO: 10:31:18 URL: [1767/1767] -> "-" [1]


use_logd yes

udpport 695

keepalive 1
deadtime 10
warntime 5
initdead 30 # depend on your hardware

bcast bond0
watchdog /dev/watchdog

ping_group routers

crm yes
node    sputnik.test
node    sputnik1.fra

respawn root /usr/lib/heartbeat/pingd -m 500 -d 30s -a pingd

This will give you a pingd score of 500. A ping_group is treated as one ping_host score wise.

If you want to take each ping hosts connectivity into play, you should have
instead. This would give a pingd score of 2000 (and make your setup work score-wise).


<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<cib admin_epoch="0" epoch="0" num_updates="0">
                        <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
<nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-symmetric-cluster" name="symmetric-cluster" value="true"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-no-quorum-policy" name="no-quorum-policy" value="stop"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-resource-stickiness" name="default-resource-stickiness" value="0"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-resource-failure-stickiness" name="default-resource-failure-stickiness" value="0"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith-enabled" name="stonith-enabled" value="false"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stonith-action" name="stonith-action" value="reboot"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stop-orphan-resources" name="stop-orphan-resources" value="true"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-stop-orphan-actions" name="stop-orphan-actions" value="true"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-remove-after-stop" name="remove-after-stop" value="false"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-short-resource-names" name="short-resource-names" value="true"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-cluster-delay" name="cluster-delay" value="5min"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-is-managed-default" name="is-managed-default" value="true"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-default-action-timeout" name="default-action-timeout" value="120s"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-dc_deadtime" name="dc_deadtime" value="10s"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-cluster_recheck_interval" name="cluster_recheck_interval" value="0"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-election_timeout" name="election_timeout" value="120s"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-shutdown_escalation" name="shutdown_escalation" value="7min"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-crmd-integration-timeout" name="crmd-integration-timeout" value="3min"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-crmd-finalization-timeout" name="crmd-finalization-timeout" value="5min"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-pe-error-series-max" name="pe-error-series-max" value="-1"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-pe-warn-series-max" name="pe-warn-series-max" value="-1"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-pe-input-series-max" name="pe-input-series-max" value="-1"/> <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-startup-fencing" name="startup-fencing" value="true"/>
                        <group id="group_1">
<primitive class="heartbeat" id="drbddisk_1" provider="heartbeat" type="drbddisk">
<op id="drbddisk_1_mon" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="25s"/>
<instance_attributes id="drbddisk_1_inst_attr">
<nvpair id="drbddisk_1_attr_1" name="1" value="data1"/>
<primitive class="ocf" id="Filesystem_1" provider="heartbeat" type="Filesystem">
<op id="Filesystem_1_mon" interval="30s" name="monitor" timeout="25s"/>
<instance_attributes id="Filesystem_1_inst_attr">
<nvpair id="Filesystem_1_attr_0" name="device" value="/dev/drbd0"/> <nvpair id="Filesystem_1_attr_1" name="directory" value="/data1"/> <nvpair id="Filesystem_1_attr_2" name="fstype" value="ext3"/>
<primitive class="ocf" id="mysql_1" provider="interactivedata" type="mysql">
<op id="mysql_1_mon" interval="60s" name="monitor" timeout="55s"/>
<instance_attributes id="mysql_1_inst_attr">
<nvpair id="mysql_1_attr_0" name="test_table" value="heartbeat.test"/> <nvpair id="mysql_1_attr_1" name="test_user" value="heartbeat"/> <nvpair id="mysql_1_attr_2" name="test_passwd" value="test"/> <nvpair id="mysql_1_attr_3" name="binary" value="/usr/bin/mysqld_safe"/> <nvpair id="mysql_1_attr_4" name="pid" value="/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid"/> <nvpair id="mysql_1_attr_5" name="OCF_CHECK_LEVEL" value="10"/>
<primitive class="ocf" id="apache2_1" provider="heartbeat" type="apache">
<op id="apache2_1_mon" interval="60s" name="monitor" timeout="55s"/>
<instance_attributes id="apache_2_1_inst_attr">
<nvpair id="apache_2_1_attr_0" name="configfile" value="/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf"/> <nvpair id="apache_2_1_attr_1" name="statusurl" value=""/> <nvpair id="apache_2_1_attr_2" name="options" value="-DSSL"/>
<instance_attributes id="group_1_instance_attrs">
<nvpair id="group_1_target_role" name="target_role" value="started"/> <nvpair id="group_1_resource_stickiness" name="resource_stickiness" value="200"/>

Apart from the fact that these attributes should be "meta_attributes" instead of "instance_attributes", this will give you a score of 4 * 200 = 800 for the node the group is actually running on.

So with ping working, you should have scores of
800 + 500 for node1
500 for node2

Now you block icmp on node1. You will have:

800 on node1
500 on node2

So why should the cluster move any resource?


<rsc_location id="rsc_location_group_1" rsc="group_1"> <rule id="prefered_location_group_1" score="100"> <expression attribute="#uname" id="prefered_location_group_1_expr" operation="eq" value="sputnik.test"/>
                        <rsc_location id="group_1:connected" rsc="group_1">
<rule id="group_1:connected:rule" score_attribute="pingd" > <expression id="group_1:connected:expr:defined" attribute="pingd" operation="defined"/>

It would be nice to acutally get this setup working with scores, but it does not work as you see in the logs. There won't be a failover to the other node.

Any hints, how i could get working the setup with scores as above?



Dominik Klein schrieb:
Achim Stumpf wrote:

Now it works. I have changed in cib.xml:

<rsc_location id="group_1:connected" rsc="group_1"> <rule id="group_1:connected:rule" score_attribute="pingd" > <expression id="group_1:connected:expr:defined" attribute="pingd" operation="defined"/>


<rsc_location id="group_1:connected" rsc="group_1"> <rule id="group_1:connected:rule" score="-INFINITY" boolean_op="or"> <expression id="group_1:connected:expr:undefined" attribute="pingd" operation="not_defined"/> <expression id="group_1:connected:expr:zero" attribute="pingd" operation="lte" value="0"/>

Now it works as expected. Those two setups were described on:


But still it would be nice to get pingnodes working with scores as made in my first example or described on taht page in "Quickstart - Run my resource on the node with the best connectivity".

Does anyone have any hints how to get that stuff working?

That should work - what did you see (and what did you expect)? You propably need to adjust the pingd multiplier. showscores.sh helps a lot here to figure out what's not as expected (see http://www.linux-ha.org/ScoreCalculation )

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