Hi, Joe

GNU cfengine [1] may be helpful here. I used it to distribute initial cib.xml and other HA config files, and collect cib.xml back to configuration server after I modified HA resources.

By using cfengine's "editfiles" facility I can clean it's <nodes> and <cib> labels when collect back:

      { $(cfinput)/files/heartbeat/cib.xml
         ReplaceFirst "<cib .*>" With "<cib>"
         LocateLineMatching "^ +<nodes>$"
         DeleteToLineMatching "^ +</nodes>$"
         ReplaceFirst "</nodes>" With "<nodes/>"


Chun Tian (binghe)

[1] http://www.cfengine.org

I have somehow managed to get myself into a situation where my two cluster nodes have different cib.xml files. Server 1 has an empty file, but Server 2 has the proper config. It looks like Server 1 has the right thing in cib.xml.last. Here's an ls -l from Server 1:

-rw-------  1 hacluster hacluster    0 Jun 14 10:58 cib.xml
-rw-------  1 hacluster hacluster 5161 Jun 14 01:09 cib.xml.last
-rw-r--r--  1 hacluster hacluster   32 Jun 14 01:09 cib.xml.sig.last
-rw-------  1 root      root      4952 Oct 29  2006 cib.xml.works

And the same from Server 2:

-rw-------  1 hacluster hacluster 5161 Jun 14 11:22 cib.xml
-rw-------  1 hacluster hacluster 5161 Jun 14 11:22 cib.xml.last
-rw-r--r--  1 hacluster hacluster   32 Jun 14 11:22 cib.xml.sig
-rw-r--r--  1 hacluster hacluster   32 Jun 14 11:22 cib.xml.sig.last
-rw-------  1 root      root      4952 Oct 29  2006 cib.xml.works

Is there something I can do to force Server 1 to pickup the cib from Server 2? Thanks,

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