
On Jun 15, 2008, at 8:25 PM, Chun Tian (binghe) wrote:

Hi, Joe

GNU cfengine [1] may be helpful here.

no no no

let the CIB synchronizes the files itself.
the most common reason for the files to get out-of-sync, is if some other process (human or automated) modified the on-disk copy (which is what you're proposing Joe does).

Let me say clearly. When I start a new Heartbeat cluster, I must do following steps:

1) Make all nodes of my cluster have the same /etc/ha.d directory
2) Copy a "bootstrap" cib.xml into every nodes' /var/lib/heartbeat/crm directory

I do above two things by using GNU cfengine. When cluster is running up, I never let cfengine to modify the cib.xml (but can read them, save them)

When cluster is running, I can add/remove resources by using cibadmin or hb_gui, and let Heartbeat to synchronize the cib.xml.

But sometimes HA cluster may goes wrong (rarely, with any/unknown reason), and I have to do a "cold" retart, using following steps:

1) stop all heartbeat process on all nodes
2) using cfengine, copy one node's cib.xml back to my cfengine main server, to save these resources which I modified after HA's first run. 3) using cfengine, clean cib.xml (clean <cib>, <nodes>), and copy it back to all nodes again,
4) start "heartbeat" processes on every nodes.

I used it to distribute initial cib.xml and other HA config files, and collect cib.xml back to configuration server after I modified HA resources.

By using cfengine's "editfiles" facility I can clean it's <nodes> and <cib> labels when collect back:

    { $(cfinput)/files/heartbeat/cib.xml
       ReplaceFirst "<cib .*>" With "<cib>"
       LocateLineMatching "^ +<nodes>$"
       DeleteToLineMatching "^ +</nodes>$"
       ReplaceFirst "</nodes>" With "<nodes/>"

btw. if you're going to do this - you need to at least remove the .sig* files in the same directory.

you could also just as easily remove the configuration from every node except the one you start first.

Yes, I do remove the .sig* files, and clean/backup heartbeat log files. What I showed is just a small piece of my big cfengine config. I think a good feature of Heartbeat 2.x is that one can modify HA config after it runs up. And a bad feature for Unix system administrator is that I must do something to save the live config (cib.xml, mainly), when something goes wrong and I have to start the cluster again.


Chun Tian (binghe)

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