Hi, Chad

I also thought this since I'm using Mac OS as my desktop since four month ago. For now, my solution is running a Linux in VMware Fusion and ssh to it (with X forwarded) and display hb_gui window through X11.app on my Mac desktop.

I think to compile hb_gui on Mac OS, the GUI part (python, glade) maybe not a big problem. But hb_gui understand Heartbeat networking protocol by load heartbeat libs, this may caused much part of heartbeat itself being compiled into Mac dylibs. It will be a hard hack since heartbeat haven't been ported onto Mac platform.

Since I'm a Lisp programmer, I did have a plan for this: re-write heartbeat mgmt protocol in pure lisp (by learning ha source code or the protocol spec if existed) and make a new GUI client based on LispWorks/CAPI and CLIM. This will result a really OS-portable heartbeat client with almost no external library depended. My only problem is that I don't know how to get heartbeat protocol details other than read heartbeat source code or try to capture hb_gui's network packets by Wireshark.


has anybody built the heartbeat GUI client for OSX?

looking at the dependencies, it looks like it should be fairly easy to do. i'd really prefer to just build the GUI client instead of trying to build the entire heartbeat package, but i'm unsure how to do that. if anybody has an pointers on how to accomplish this, i'd love to hear them!

even better would be a heartbeat-gui Fink package, but that's just me dreaming ;)
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