2008/6/20 Chun Tian (binghe) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi, Chad
> I also thought this since I'm using Mac OS as my desktop since four month
> ago. For now, my solution is running a Linux in VMware Fusion and ssh to it
> (with X forwarded) and display hb_gui window through X11.app on my Mac
> desktop.
> I think to compile hb_gui on Mac OS, the GUI part (python, glade) maybe not
> a big problem. But hb_gui understand Heartbeat networking protocol by load
> heartbeat libs, this may caused much part of heartbeat itself being compiled
> into Mac dylibs. It will be a hard hack since heartbeat haven't been ported
> onto Mac platform.
> Since I'm a Lisp programmer, I did have a plan for this: re-write heartbeat
> mgmt protocol in pure lisp (by learning ha source code or the protocol spec
> if existed) and make a new GUI client based on LispWorks/CAPI and CLIM. This
> will result a really OS-portable heartbeat client with almost no external
> library depended. My only problem is that I don't know how to get heartbeat
> protocol details other than read heartbeat source code or try to capture
> hb_gui's network packets by Wireshark.

The on wire protocol is pure ascii, and fairly simple.

Given that hb_gui runs fine on windows, I don't think there's big
problems to port it to OSX.

> --binghe
>> has anybody built the heartbeat GUI client for OSX?
>> looking at the dependencies, it looks like it should be fairly easy to do.
>>  i'd really prefer to just build the GUI client instead of trying to build
>> the entire heartbeat package, but i'm unsure how to do that.  if anybody has
>> an pointers on how to accomplish this, i'd love to hear them!
>> even better would be a heartbeat-gui Fink package, but that's just me
>> dreaming  ;)
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