Am Mittwoch, 2. Juli 2008 13:04 schrieb Hildebrand, Nils, 232:
> Hi Michael,
> > > Long version for those that are not able to read the README:
> >
> > 1) ./ConfigureMe config --enable-snmp-subagent This part is
> > done on the most distributions.
> How can I check wether HB has been compiled that way?
> Why is there no man-page about this topic?

Does the binary /ur/lib/heartbeat/hbagent exist? If yes, all OK. If not, 
search in other directories like: find /usr -name "hbagent".

But I think in MOST distributions the SNMP subagent is enabled.

> > 2) in snmpd.conf
> > # create a SNMPv1/SNMPv2 community
> > rwcommunity  public
> Why rw? ro should be enough...
> You can do some nasty things with snmp-write-commands...

OK. The complete story (You asked for it!):
com2sec readonly        <manager>       <community>
group   MyHBGroup       v1      readonly
view            heartbeat               included
access  MyHBGroup       ""      any     noauth  exact   heartbeat       none    

See /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf for more examples.

> > # this makes the snmpd a master snmp agent, which can #
> > support AgentX subagents.
> >
> > master yes
> According to "man snmpd.conf" it should be "master agentx"?

Both work. I also would prefer
master agentx

> How can I determine wether this works?

netstat -nlp --protocol unix

see if a socket agentx exists. DO NOT FORGET to restart your snmp daemon!

> > [...]
> >
> > 3) $ snmpwalk -v2c localhost -c public LinuxHA
> LinuxHA: Unknown Object Identifier (Sub-id not found: iso -> LinuxHA)
> I guess I have to put the mib for Heartbeat somewhere the snmp-client
> can find it.

snmpwalk -mALL -v2c localhost .enterprises
or if no MIB availabe:
snmpwalk -v2c localhost .enterprises.4682

> > Should work. Otherwise check version 1 of SNMP.

NO OTHER MIBs for v2c in the enterprises part!!!

> Version 2c should work - I see the other mibs there.
> > BEWARE: Debian starts the snmpd only on!
> BTW: Does the AgentX open a security-hole? How can I restrict
> registering to the local host?

It is a local socket. So no security hole if you control you own computer. If 
not, you lost anyway.

Dr. Michael Schwartzkopff
MultiNET Services GmbH
Addresse: Bretonischer Ring 7; 85630 Grasbrunn; Germany
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