On 2008-07-08T18:49:53, Ciro Iriarte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For group2 I need to make sure that the LUNs are available, the issue
> is how do I do that?

Well, two answers -

You could indeed write a pseudo-RA which monitors the DM-MPIO devs, or
feed their status directly into the CIB from multipathd (via an
unmanaged resource), or monitor the devs externally and modify a node
attribute accordingly (ie, "connected-to-san") and create a
rsc_location dependency. This is going to involve writing code.

Or you could simply assume that the likelihood of the DM-MPIO devs being
unavailable is really low (afterall, MPIO implies redundant connection);
if they really aren't available where the cluster tries to instantiate
the DomU, the start will simply fail and be retried on another node
within 1 second or so.

Personally, I would probably go with the second choice; lower


Teamlead Kernel, SuSE Labs, Research and Development
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