On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 7:24 AM, Schmidt, Florian
> Hi list,
> Samba is part of my linux-ha and drbd setup.
> Because I want to store the config files at a central place, I put them onto 
> a DRBD-device.
> Problem is: when heartbeat starts it first triggers a monitor operation of 
> all resources.
> Because samba cannot find its config files (they are on the drbd-device, that 
> is not mounted yet, with a symlink from /etc/samba to /configs/samba) it 
> returns 4.

Is Samba a part of your HA cluster? If so why do you start your
resources in that order? I'd try to make a group of IP, DRBD,
Filesystem and Samba resources in which Samba would be the last one to

>So heartbeat does not know how to handle this and does not start the resource.
> Does anyone have a script that handles this fine or do I have to make the 
> init-script more lsb-compatible?
> Regards
> Florian
> PS: The startup log and /etc/init.d/smb are attached.
> Mit freundlichen Grüßen
> Florian Schmidt
> Centric altro GmbH
> GB IT-Services
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> 09224 Chemnitz
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Serge Dubrouski.
Linux-HA mailing list
See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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