> Hi All
> I am having a hell of a time trying to get heartbeat to fail over my DRBD
> harddisk and am hoping for some help.
> I have a 2 node cluster, heartbeat is working as I am able to fail over IP
> Addresses and services successfully, but when I try to fail over my DRBD
> resource from secondary to primary I am hitting a brick wall, I can fail
> over the DRBD resource manually so I know that it does work at some level
> DRBD version 8.3 Heartbeat version heartbeat-2.1.3-1.fc9.i386 and using
> heartbeat-gui to configure
> DRBD Resource is called Storage1, the 2 nodes are connected via 2 x-over
> cables (1 heartbeat 1 Replication)
> I have stripped down my config to the bare bones and tried every option
> that I can think off but know that I am missing something simple,
> I have attached my cib.xml but have removed domain names from the systems
> for privacy reasons
> Thanks in advance
> Jason
>  <cib admin_epoch="0" have_quorum="true" ignore_dtd="false"
> cib_feature_revision="2.0" num_peers="2" generated="true"
> ccm_transition="22" dc_uuid="9d8abc28-4fa3-408a-a695-fb36b0d67a48"
> epoch="733" num_updates="1" cib-last-written="Mon Feb  9 18:31:19 2009">
>    <configuration>
>      <crm_config>
>        <cluster_property_set id="cib-bootstrap-options">
>          <attributes>
>            <nvpair id="cib-bootstrap-options-dc-version" name="dc-version"
> value="2.1.3-node: 552305612591183b1628baa5bc6e903e0f1e26a3"/>
>            <nvpair name="last-lrm-refresh"
> id="cib-bootstrap-options-last-lrm-refresh" value="1234204278"/>
>          </attributes>
>        </cluster_property_set>
>      </crm_config>
>      <nodes>
>        <node id="df707752-d5fb-405a-8ca7-049e25a227b7" uname="lpissan1001"
> type="normal">
>          <instance_attributes
> id="nodes-df707752-d5fb-405a-8ca7-049e25a227b7">
>            <attributes>
>              <nvpair id="standby-df707752-d5fb-405a-8ca7-049e25a227b7"
> name="standby" value="off"/>
>            </attributes>
>          </instance_attributes>
>        </node>
>        <node id="9d8abc28-4fa3-408a-a695-fb36b0d67a48" uname="lpissan1002"
> type="normal">
>          <instance_attributes
> id="nodes-9d8abc28-4fa3-408a-a695-fb36b0d67a48">
>            <attributes>
>              <nvpair id="standby-9d8abc28-4fa3-408a-a695-fb36b0d67a48"
> name="standby" value="off"/>
>            </attributes>
>          </instance_attributes>
>        </node>
>      </nodes>
>      <resources>
>        <master_slave id="Storage1">
>          <meta_attributes id="Storage1_meta_attrs">
>            <attributes>
>              <nvpair id="Storage1_metaattr_target_role" name="target_role"
> value="started"/>
>              <nvpair id="Storage1_metaattr_clone_max" name="clone_max"
> value="2"/>
>              <nvpair id="Storage1_metaattr_clone_node_max"
> name="clone_node_max" value="1"/>
>              <nvpair id="Storage1_metaattr_master_max" name="master_max"
> value="1"/>
>              <nvpair id="Storage1_metaattr_master_node_max"
> name="master_node_max" value="1"/>
>              <nvpair id="Storage1_metaattr_notify" name="notify"
> value="true"/>
>              <nvpair id="Storage1_metaattr_globally_unique"
> name="globally_unique" value="false"/>
>            </attributes>
>          </meta_attributes>
>          <primitive id="Storage1" class="ocf" type="drbd"
> provider="heartbeat">
>            <instance_attributes id="Storage1_instance_attrs">
>              <attributes>
>                <nvpair id="273a1bb2-4867-42dd-a9e5-7cebbf48ef3b"
> name="drbd_resource" value="Storage1"/>
>              </attributes>
>            </instance_attributes>
>            <operations>
>              <op id="9ddc0ce9-4090-4546-a7d5-787fe47de872" name="monitor"
> description="master" interval="29" timeout="10" start_delay="1m"
> role="Master"/>
>              <op id="56a7508f-fa42-46f8-9924-3b284cdb97f0" name="monitor"
> description="slave" interval="29" timeout="10" start_delay="1m"
> role="Slave"/>
>            </operations>
>          </primitive>
>        </master_slave>
>      </resources>
>      <constraints/>
>    </configuration>
>  </cib>
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