I believe what you're looking for is DRBD ( www.drbd.org ) provided by
Linbit.  If you need assistance please let me know.

Benedict simon wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have the following setup runnng perfectly fine for about 2 years
> Centos 4.1 but now centos 5
> Primary DNS server using bind
> Mailserver using sendmail
> MailScanner 4.65 with SapmAssassin + clamav
> Apache
> Mailwatch
> SquirelMail
> all the above is working perfectly fine
> Now I have another server with same hardware configuration which i would
> like to make it as a backup server
> so incase my Primary server which is now working fine fails the secondary
> takes over and users are not affected at all. something like file server
> mirroring
> how could i go over it.
> apprecite if any one cd help me
> or suggest me some links which could explain the above.
> regards
> simon
> i jus started reading about
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