Hello Simon,

Benedict simon <si...@kmun.gov.kw> wrote:
> Dear All,
> I have the following setup runnng perfectly fine for about 2 years
> Centos 4.1 but now centos 5
> Primary DNS server using bind
> Mailserver using sendmail
> MailScanner 4.65 with SapmAssassin + clamav Apache Mailwatch
> SquirelMail 
> all the above is working perfectly fine
> Now I have another server with same hardware configuration
> which i would like to make it as a backup server

You're doing something very similar to what I've just done, though I'm
using postfix. You will need to use drbd (www.drbd.org) for the server
mirroring along with drbdlinks
(http://www.tummy.com/Community/software/drbdlinks/) to sort out the
transfer of filesystem from one machine to another.

I advise you use an R1 configuration, as it's much simpler and you are
in a basic 2-node failover scenario, rather than clustered services. You
can see my ha.cf and haresources in an above post (though take it with a
pinch of salt as it's part of an ongoing query).

As an aside, I would recommend upgrading your MailScanner, as that is
rather an old version and there have been a number of important bugfixes
since then.


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