On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 10:46, Junko IKEDA <ike...@intellilink.co.jp> wrote:
> Hi,
> I found the following stonithd behavior.
> It might be an expected one, but I'm just wondering.
> My operation is here;
> (1) start Heartbeat 2.1.4 on two nodes(dom-d1, dom-2).
> (2) start the resource on active node(dom-d2), and dom-d2 is also DC in this
> case.
> (3) modify the RA and cause stop NG on dom-d2.
> (4) standby node(dom-d1) would STONITH to dom-d2.
>    stonith plugin is xen0.
> (5) STONITH action succeeded.
> When I "grep" the ha-debug on dom-d1(previous standby node) after STONITH,
> I found that there are duplicate "reset" actions like this;
> Is this expected?

For the DC, basically yes.
The old DC fences itself but obviously isn't around to record that it succeeded.
The new DC just sees that the old one is in a strange state and the
only safe thing to do is shoot it (again).

> # grep reset /var/log/ha-debug
> stonithd[1068]: 2009/03/16_18:19:49 debug: external_reset_req: called.
> stonithd[1068]: 2009/03/16_18:19:49 debug: Host external-reset initiating on
> dom-d2
> stonithd[1068]: 2009/03/16_18:19:49 debug: external_run_cmd: Calling
> '/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/xen0 reset dom-d2'
> stonithd[1068]: 2009/03/16_18:19:56 debug: external_run_cmd:
> '/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/xen0 reset dom-d2' output:
> stonithd[1068]: 2009/03/16_18:19:56 debug: external_reset_req: running 'xen0
> reset' returned 0
> stonithd[1119]: 2009/03/16_18:20:17 debug: external_reset_req: called.
> stonithd[1119]: 2009/03/16_18:20:17 debug: Host external-reset initiating on
> dom-d2
> stonithd[1119]: 2009/03/16_18:20:17 debug: external_run_cmd: Calling
> '/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/xen0 reset dom-d2'
> stonithd[1119]: 2009/03/16_18:20:19 debug: external_run_cmd:
> '/usr/lib64/stonith/plugins/external/xen0 reset dom-d2' output:
> stonithd[1119]: 2009/03/16_18:20:19 debug: external_reset_req: running 'xen0
> reset' returned 0
> Best Regards,
> Junko Ikeda
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