On Wed, Mar 18, 2009 at 02:33, Junko IKEDA <ike...@intellilink.co.jp> wrote:
>> > I found the following stonithd behavior.
>> > It might be an expected one, but I'm just wondering.
>> >
>> > My operation is here;
>> > (1) start Heartbeat 2.1.4 on two nodes(dom-d1, dom-2).
>> > (2) start the resource on active node(dom-d2), and dom-d2 is also DC in
> this
>> > case.
>> > (3) modify the RA and cause stop NG on dom-d2.
>> > (4) standby node(dom-d1) would STONITH to dom-d2.
>> >    stonith plugin is xen0.
>> > (5) STONITH action succeeded.
>> >
>> > When I "grep" the ha-debug on dom-d1(previous standby node) after
>> > I found that there are duplicate "reset" actions like this;
>> > Is this expected?
>> For the DC, basically yes.
>> The old DC fences itself but obviously isn't around to record that it
> succeeded.
>> The new DC just sees that the old one is in a strange state and the
>> only safe thing to do is shoot it (again).
> I see, make sense.
> By the way, Pacemaker will do the same in this case, right?

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