
I installed drbd (8.0.14) together with heartbeat (2.0.8) on a Gentoo-system.

I have following problem:
Standalone the drbd resource works perfectly. I can mount/unmount it alternate 
on both nodes. Reading/writing works and /proc/drbd looks fine.

But when I start heartbeat it degrades the resource step by step until it's 
marked as unconfigured. An excerpt of the logfile is attached.
Heartbeat itself starts up and runs. Two of the three resources configured up 
to now are also working. Only drbd shows problems. (See the file  

I don't think it's a problem of communication between the nodes because drbd 
is working standalone and e.g. the IPaddr2 resource is also working within 
I also tried several heartbeat-configurations. First I defined the resources 
as single resources and then I combined the resources to a resource group.
There was no difference.

Has someone seen such an issue before? Any ideas ?      
I didn't find anything helpful in the list archive.

If you need more informations I can provide a complete log and the config.



Dipl. Inf. Heiko Schellhorn

University of Bremen            Room:  NW1-U 2065
Inst. of Environmental Physics  Phone: +49(0)421 218 4080
P.O. Box 33 04 40               Fax:   +49(0)421 218 4555
D-28334 Bremen                  Mail:  mailto:sch...@physik.uni-bremen.de
Germany                         www:   http://www.iup.uni-bremen.de

Last updated: Mon Mar 23 13:11:49 2009
Current DC: mainsrv2 (d7bd5c11-babc-4b69-97d6-3d20d01d8d66)
2 Nodes configured.
1 Resources configured.

Node: mainsrv2 (d7bd5c11-babc-4b69-97d6-3d20d01d8d66): online
Node: mainsrv1 (6a5eacba-7389-4305-9074-de6116504c49): online

Resource Group: heartbeat_group_1
    resource_IP (heartbeat::ocf:IPaddr2):       Started mainsrv1
    resource_drbd       (heartbeat::ocf:drbd):  Started mainsrv1
    fs_drbd     (heartbeat::ocf:Filesystem):    Stopped 
drbd[30750][30763]: 2009/03/23_12:42:19 DEBUG: dr0: Calling /sbin/drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf state dr0
drbd[30750][30772]: 2009/03/23_12:42:19 DEBUG: dr0: Exit code 0
drbd[30750][30778]: 2009/03/23_12:42:19 DEBUG: dr0: Command output: 
drbd[30750][30794]: 2009/03/23_12:42:19 DEBUG: dr0: Calling /sbin/drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf cstate dr0
drbd[30750][30798]: 2009/03/23_12:42:19 DEBUG: dr0: Exit code 0
drbd[30750][30799]: 2009/03/23_12:42:19 DEBUG: dr0: Command output: Connected
drbd[30750][30800]: 2009/03/23_12:42:19 DEBUG: dr0 status: Secondary/Secondary 
Secondary Secondary Connected
drbd[30808][30815]: 2009/03/23_12:42:20 DEBUG: dr0: Calling /sbin/drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf state dr0
drbd[30808][30819]: 2009/03/23_12:42:20 DEBUG: dr0: Exit code 0
drbd[30808][30820]: 2009/03/23_12:42:20 DEBUG: dr0: Command output: 
drbd[30808][30830]: 2009/03/23_12:42:20 DEBUG: dr0: Calling /sbin/drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf cstate dr0
drbd[30808][30836]: 2009/03/23_12:42:20 DEBUG: dr0: Exit code 0
drbd[30808][30837]: 2009/03/23_12:42:20 DEBUG: dr0: Command output: WFConnection
drbd[30808][30839]: 2009/03/23_12:42:20 DEBUG: dr0 status: Secondary/Unknown 
Secondary Unknown WFConnection
drbd[30808][30841]: 2009/03/23_12:42:20 DEBUG: dr0: Calling /sbin/drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf down dr0
drbd[30808][30873]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0: Exit code 0
drbd[30808][30874]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0: Command output:
drbd[30808][30875]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0 stop: drbdadm down succeeded.
drbd[30876][30883]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0: Calling /sbin/drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf state dr0
drbd[30876][30888]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0: Exit code 0
drbd[30876][30889]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0: Command output: Unconfigured
drbd[30876][30897]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0: Calling /sbin/drbdadm -c 
/etc/drbd.conf cstate dr0
drbd[30876][30901]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0: Exit code 0
drbd[30876][30902]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0: Command output: Unconfigured
drbd[30876][30903]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0 status: Unconfigured 
Unconfigured Unconfigured Unconfigured
drbd[30876][30904]: 2009/03/23_12:42:21 DEBUG: dr0 start: already configured.

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