I was now reading the great links Michael gave me and I learned a lot.
But I am still a little confused about openAIS / Heartbeat / Pacemaker.

I understood (if I am right) that pacemaker is a part (big) of heartbeat
2. So if you want to use heartbeat 3 you have to use pacemaker.
Pacemaker is also compatible to openAIS. So you can use also pacemaker
and openAIS. But openAIS seems to lack a lrmd so is it possible to use
openAIS without heartbeat? Just pacemaker and openAIS?

What is the prefered setup and what will be the future?

A little confusing right now...

> florian.engelm...@bt.com:
> > > > Hello,
> > > > I spent the whole afternoon to search for a good heartbeat v2 
> > > > documentation, but it looks like this is somehow 
> difficult. Maybe 
> > > > someone in here can help me?
> > >
> > > The only good doc is Andrews Configuration_Explained. See:
> > > http://www.clusterlabs.org/mediawiki/images/6/61/Colocation_Ex
> > > plained.pdf
> >
> > Thank you Michael nice link!
> > 
> >http://www.clusterlabs.org/mediawiki/images/f/fb/Configuratio
> n_Explaine
> >d.pd
> >f
> >
> > > On the other hand, if you understand German, I could 
> suggest you a 
> > > very good book from O'Reilly ;-)
> >
> > Yes we will order this book.
> Thanks.
> > > > Anyway I have a short question about "stickiness". I only
> > >
> > > know about
> > >
> > > > sun cluster but I have to build up knowledge about
> > >
> > > heartbeat cluster
> > >
> > > > since we are running two debian heartbeat clusters now.
> > >
> > > Be sure to get really the latest packages from Linux-HA. 
> The default 
> > > debian packages are a little behind. There exist a lot of 
> > > improvements and bug fixes in the mean time.
> >
> > At the moment we use the stable debian lenny packages. Do 
> you know any 
> > good debian repository for the latest HA packages?
> www.multinet.de/debian
> Weekly builds of pacemaker with heartbeat only. No OpenAIS 
> stack needed. When I find time I will integrate OpenAIS 
> packages and 64 bit arch.
> > > > Those two are failover clusters providing web services, 
> nagios and 
> > > > vserver virtual hosts. Let's say resource_group_a is
> > >
> > > running on node1
> > >
> > > > and resource_group_b on node2. If I reboot node2
> > >
> > > resource_group_b will
> > >
> > > > switch to node1. But if node2 is up again resource_group_b
> > >
> > > will switch
> > >
> > > > back to node2. That is what I don't want the cluster to do. No 
> > > > switchback... How can I do that?
> > >
> > > Set the resource-stickness of the group_b lets say to 100 points. 
> > > Then the group will stay on the node it runs on until the 
> difference 
> > > in score calculation due to other constraints is more than 100 
> > > points.
> >
> > Works perfect! Thank you!
> >
> > > > And which command is used to switch one resource group to
> > >
> > > another node
> > >
> > > > (not marking any node as "standby")?
> > >
> > > crm_resource -M -r <resource_name> -H <host_to_migrate_to>
> > >
> > > unmigrate with
> > >
> > > crm_resource -U r <resource>
> >
> > Also worked perfect!
> > Thank you Michael.
> >
> > Best regards Florian
> You are welcome.
> --
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