Hi Andrew,

Andrew Beekhof wrote:
> Any switch that shares power with the host(s) it controls clearly has a SPoF.
> You don't need me to tell you that.

But that does not have to be a SPoF for the entire system!  The problem here
is that a single failure (power loss) causes not only one node to
go down (and the pdu itself, yes), but the whole system stops working
properly.  Now you now have to say that one has to equip the pdus with
redundant power supplies.  Unfortunately I know of no such device.  Which
brings me to the conclusion that nobody has yet developed a device that works
as a fully supported and recommended stonith device.  Which is kind of a

> The scenario they don't work in might be acceptably unlikely for most
> people, but the risk is there.
> However, as I keep saying, I've no objection an option that implements
> the failsafe algorithm (and documents the reason it exists)

I would certainly vote for this.

> Which particular documentation are you referring to?
> I've not personally written any on stonith.

Sorry for the misunderstanding, it's Dejan's documentation, who
started this thread.



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