On Thu, May 28, 2009 at 4:28 PM, firewall <gab...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I'm having problems getting a split-brain to work (for demo, yes that's
> right). Basically, I have an active/passive cluster both configured with
> pingd like below. When the ping node is not reachable on the primary/active
> (i.e. I unplug the cable..), a failover occurs to the backup and vice-versa.
> However, I expect that when the ping node is not reachable from both nodes,
> a split-brain should occur resulting in the cluster resource running on both
> nodes at the same time. I need this to happen for demonstration.

You actually want this to occur?!?

First of all, split-brain occurs when the two nodes can't see each
other, not when they can't see the ping node.
Second, the design goal for cluster software is to _prevent_ both
sides running the same resources at the same time at all costs.

I really question the use-case here.

> I'm pretty
> sure it's to do my config but not sure what to change so that a split-brain
> would occur when both cluster nodes cannot ping the ping node. My cib.xml
> file is attached and my ha.cf file is displayed below.
> http://www.nabble.com/file/p23762887/cib.xml cib.xml
> gabbep


> #auto_failback yes
> PS. surprisingly, a failback still occurs albeit it's commented out in the
> ha.cf file.

That setting has no meaning in a crm cluster.
You need to look up resource-stickiness in the documentation.
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