
I need a command to see if a resource is started or not. Somehow my IPMI 
resource does not always start, especially on one node (for example if I 
reboot the node, or have a failover). There is no error and nothing, it 
just does nothing at all.
Usually I have to clean up the resource and then it comes back by itself.
This is not really a problem since this only occurs after a failover or 
reboot and when that happens, somebody usually takes a look at the 
cluster anyway. But some people forget to start it again, and when we do 
maintenance we have to turn it off on purpose since it would go wreck 
havoc and turn off one of the nodes.

So all I need is a command line tool to check wether a resource is 
currently started or not. I tried to check the resources with the 
failcount command, but it's always 0. And the crm_resource command is 
used to configure a resource but does not seem to give me the status of 
a resource.

I know I can use crm_mon but I would rather have a small command since I 
could include this in our monitoring tool (nagios).

Thanks in advance,

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