Il giorno Mer 02 Giu 2010 08:59:01 CET, Florian Haas ha scritto:
> That is incorrect. It does handle everything it is supposed to handle,
> but it appears that exportfs (the binary) isn't doing what its man page
> says it does: exportfs -u is supposed to "shut down all NFS activity" on
> the export affected. Which to me would mean that the NFS daemon would
> also relinquish any open server-side NFS file handles. Apparently, at
> least for your system, it doesn't.

Ok, the problem is that I've tried the solution on Debian Lenny and 
Ubuntu 9.10 and 10.4 and it's the same story.

>> I patched the script to do a nfsd restart, based upon what the RA
>> nfsserver do. In this way, things works, but seems a little bit ugly...
>> I'm going to do some tests and then post the patch.
> That is intrusive; it affects _all_ exports, not just the one this
> exportfs resource is managing. As such it isn't any better than nfsserver.

Of course, I never stop saying it was ugly :-)

> We have been discussing this on the list for several weeks now, and are
> still looking for the best way to fix this. This is also the reason why
> exportfs isn't part of any resource-agents release yet.
> Lars (Ellenberg), could you comment on this please?
> Cheers,
> Florian

That is true. I'll give to Lars's solution a try, he suggests to put 
noatime on the server side filesystem mount. For the rest, my 
configuration is identical to his one.


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