Hey there guys.  Today I'm going to start over with a couple of fresh VMs
and try to get pacemaker going with heartbeat.  I haven until the end of the
day tomorrow to get this up and running before my client says we'll just go
back to using heartbeat.  As a note I should state that I am a MySQL DBA so
I do have some familiarity with Linux but I would not consider myself to be
an uber linux admin.  It's my hope that, if I am able to get ths up and
running, I can make some documetation regarding getting this setup and
perhaps it can be submitted to the linux-HA wiki.  As the biggest complaint
appears to be the lack of clear documentation for implementation, so let's
try and fix that problem.

The VMs that I'll be creating today will be Cent OS 5, they will each be
running MySQL, they will act as an active/passive cluster, and will have one
VIP that will fail over between the two servers.

Last time I tried to get this up and running it was suggested that I was
using versions of pacemaker and heartbeat that were incompatible with one
another.  So I checked this site....


I am going to attempt to get heartbeat 3.0.3 installed on the systems and
then install pacemaker.  So here's the current plan.

1) Install OS (during installation no additional packages will be installed)
2) Get ssh keys setup
3) Install MySQL
-snapshot vms-
4) Install heartbeat 3.0.3
5) Install pacemaker
6) See if I can get into the crm prompt and actually execute commands.  This
is something that I have not been able to accomplish before, so my hopes is
to at least get this far.

 - Peter
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