On 12/10/2010 1:54 PM, Dimitri Maziuk wrote:
> Les Mikesell wrote:
> ...
>> What I
>> wanted was advice on the best platform that had a packaged, re-usable
>> setup available that was likely to be maintained in updates for a long
>> time.
> There's a bit of problem with your requirement: you forgot "supported".
> As in try getting any support here for version of heartbeat that ships
> with RHEL 5 (or Suse 10, as I understand).

I'm not looking for support for my local environment.  I'm looking for a 
version that is reusable and works without local hacks.  Or whatever 
might be expected to work for a long time into the future if set up now. 
But I suppose not changing interfaces wildly would be part of that 
requirement so a packager can maintain it.

   Les Mikesell
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