
On Tue, Dec 28, 2010 at 12:04:23PM +0100, Tobias Appel wrote:
> Hi,
> I have purchased Dr. Schwartzkopff's latest book (in German) about 
> pacemaker. In his chapter about constraints he introduces the feature 
> resource_set which sounds pretty neat. It would safe me quite some lines 
> of configuration (for example I have like 40 individual resources which 
> all require to be started after LVM - so currently I have 40 extra order 
> constraints which I could fit into one using resource_set).

40 order constraints? A big cluster.

> Though in his book he writes that this feature is quite new and might 
> still be buggy and thus not recommended for productive use - I don't 
> know though on which version of pacemaker he makes this assumption.
> Currently we use 1.1.2. At least in the GUI I don't see any option to 
> use resource_set within another constraint. Will the GUI still work if I 
> manually add the required XML code to the cib?

Yes, the GUI should work. You can also use the crm shell to edit
constraints. It should look sth like this:

order o inf: lvm ( rsc1 rsc2 ... rscn )

providing that rsc1 ... rscn don't depend on each other.

> And is this feature now safe to use?

Should be. But the number of resources you want to put into the
set is unusually large. Try this first on a test cluster. It is
also possible to use several constraints:

order o1 inf: lvm ( rsc1 rsc2 ... rscm )
order o2 inf: lvm ( rscm+1 rscm+2 ... )

> Thanks in advance and happy new year to everyone.

Happy NY to you too.



> Bye,
> Tobi
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