On 12/28/2010 06:46 PM, Dejan Muhamedagic wrote:

> 40 order constraints? A big cluster.

We have currently 40 VM's (XEN) on it. I can't put them in a group since 
they have to run independently and not necessarily on the same node(s). 
To make it worse I also have location constraints and additional 
constraints for ping(d).

> Yes, the GUI should work. You can also use the crm shell to edit
> constraints. It should look sth like this:
> order o inf: lvm ( rsc1 rsc2 ... rscn )
> providing that rsc1 ... rscn don't depend on each other.
>> And is this feature now safe to use?
> Should be. But the number of resources you want to put into the
> set is unusually large. Try this first on a test cluster. It is
> also possible to use several constraints:
> order o1 inf: lvm ( rsc1 rsc2 ... rscm )
> order o2 inf: lvm ( rscm+1 rscm+2 ... )
> ...
I did it now similar to the documentation, which is pretty sleek since 
in the GUI I have only one entry now :)

     <rsc_order id="ordered-start">
       <resource_set id="pre-VM" sequential="true">
         <resource_ref id="clvm"/>
         <resource_ref id="lvm"/>
       <resource_set id="VMs" sequential="false">
         <resource_ref id="vm1"/>
         <resource_ref id="vm2"/>

And it looks good so far. But we have quite some problems with the 
cluster. A complete (friendly - i.g. I manually put one node to standby) 
failover from one node to another takes a lot of time because all the 
VMs have to be live-migrated. Now it seems that pacemaker only migrates 
one resource at a time and I remember Andrew telling me that I should 
add kind=Serialize to my resource_set. So I would just write:

<resource_set id="VMs" sequential="false" kind="serialize">


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