Though the previous discussion was beneficial to all the readers, my 
conclusion is that if there were a document or preferably a picture 
(pictures worth a 1000 words) of the boundaries of each of the components 
(All of them, not just some. In this case DRDB and pacemaker. But in other 
threads it has been the interaction of 2 or 3 of the components.) then it 
could be understood where to look; i.e., what component is responsible. It 
appears that many understand some of the components but no one appears to 
understand all of them and how they interplay.  If they did, then the 
boundaries document would be readily available and this confusion would 
not be happening. 

The explanation by Lars makes perfect sense.  It just needs to be 
documented with all the rest of the components so that everyone can better 
understand the interplay between all of the components making up a 
Linux-HA environment

It also appears that most of us wish to one-stop shop (look at one 
component and get all the information).  If we had descriptions of the 
roles & responsibilities of each component (for example, pacemaker) then 
we might not be expecting it to be solving something outside of its role. 
As an example to try to explain my intent, most of us would not take our 
car to a oncologist to get the oil changed.

If the intent is to be efficient, we should not be expecting the 
components to be doing more that it role/responsibility else very quickly, 
we will be generating something that cannot be upgraded because it is no 
longer modular.


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