Done : Bug 2579 
<> has 
been added to the database

Andrew Beekhof a écrit :
> On Fri, Mar 25, 2011 at 2:07 PM, Alain.Moulle <> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I tried but it does not work :
>> crm_resource -r resname -p target-role -v started
>> because it adds a target-role=started as params
>> whereis I already have a meta target-role=Stopped
>> so resource does not start.
>> So I tried :
>> crm_resource -r resname -m -p target-role -v started
>> then resource starts successfully.
>> But with a loop:
>> for i in {1..20}; do echo resname$i ; crm_resource -r resname$i -m -p
>> target-role -v started; done
>> The first one is started immediately, and the 19th other ones are
>> started ~20s after the first one
>> but all in one salvo.
>> So it seems to be quite the same behavior as successive "crm resource
>> start resname$i" commands.
>> First command is taken in account immediately, then there is a delay
>> perhaps before pooling eventuals
>> other crm commands, but as during this delay , my loop has already sent
>> 19 commands, these are
>> taken in account in one shot when the new polling occurs.
>> Meaning, that manually, if you wait that the expected result of your crm
>> command is displayed on crm_mon,
>> before sending the second one etc. there is always this 10 to 20s
>> latency between each commands.
>> (Same behavior inside scripts if the script waits for the command to be
>> really completed by testing ...)
>> Hope my description is clear enough ...
> Yes.  Looks like something in core pacemaker.
> Could you file a bug for this and include the output of your above
> testcase but with -VVVV added to the crm_resource command line please?
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