On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 4:05 AM, Dejan Muhamedagic <deja...@fastmail.fm> wrote:
> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 04:44:50PM +0100, alain.mou...@bull.net wrote:
>> Hi again,
>> that's strange because I did tests around this parameter
>> with 24 Dummy resources, therefore resources which do quite nothing and so
>> Pacemaker
>> should start all resources at quite the same time one after the other.
>> Then monitor op
>> should also be quite at the same time one after the other.
>> First, I test with no  LRMD_MAX_CHILDREN in /etc/sysconfig/pacemaker so
>> default value
>> which is probably 4 as you told me, then  I set it to 2, restart Pacemaker
>> and did same test,
>> and finally set it to 24 (just for a school case) and did the same test .
>> And the result is the same for the three tests :
>> when all the 24 Dummy resources are started , as you can see below,
>> the op monitor seems to be gathered by 4, whatever is the
>> whereas my understanding was the monitor operations should have been
>> parallelized for
>> almost the 24 resources as the monitor takes a very short while to be
>> completed ...
>> Where am I wrong ?
> It could be that the init script on your platform doesn't
> support this parameter. You should talk to your vendor.

Init script?  Doesn't the lrmd just look for that variable in its environment?
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