
On Thu, Dec 01, 2011 at 08:37:57AM +0100, Ulrich Windl wrote:
> >>> Dejan Muhamedagic <deja...@fastmail.fm> schrieb am 30.11.2011 um 15:35 in
> Nachricht <20111130143512.GB6964@walrus.homenet>:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > On Wed, Nov 30, 2011 at 02:56:34PM +0100, Ulrich Windl wrote:
> > > Hi!
> > > 
> > > It seems the execution time is shown in milliseconds. However it seems 
> > > all 
> > execution times are multiples of 10ms. Is that intended?
> > > 
> > > Examples (human readable times):
> > > exec-time="0"
> > > exec-time="100ms"
> > > exec-time="10ms"
> > > exec-time="70ms"
> > > exec-time="70ms"
> > > exec-time="70ms"
> > > exec-time="710ms"
> > > exec-time="710ms"
> > > exec-time="7s500ms"
> > > exec-time="80ms"
> > > exec-time="820ms"
> > > exec-time="850ms"
> > > exec-time="870ms"
> > > exec-time="880ms"
> > > exec-time="90ms"
> > > exec-time="910ms"
> > > exec-time="910ms"
> > 
> > That's the clock resolution (10ms) for this purpose. I think it's
> > platform dependent, but I cannot recall seeing anything with
> > finer resolution (see _SC_CLK_TCK)
> Hi!
> I don't know how you measure your runtime, but even gettimeofday() has a 
> better resolution. Is that exec-time the wall-time, or is it CPU-time?
> I don't think it makes much sense to use CPU-time there.
> Even then, I cannot reproduce the result:
> "CPU time used = 0.004" says the following program:
> #include <stdio.h>
> #include <string.h>
> #include <sys/time.h>
> #include <sys/resource.h>
> static  int     get_cpu_usage(struct timeval *tvp)
> {
>         struct rusage   res;
>         if ( getrusage(RUSAGE_SELF, &res) != 0 )
>                 return(-1);
>         tvp->tv_sec = res.ru_utime.tv_sec;
>         tvp->tv_usec = res.ru_utime.tv_usec;
>         return(0);
> }
> int     main(int argc, char *argv[])
> {
>         struct timeval  tv, now;
>         if (get_cpu_usage(&tv) == 0) {
>                 while (get_cpu_usage(&now) == 0 &&
>                        memcmp(&tv, &now, sizeof(tv)) == 0) {
>                 }
>                 now.tv_usec -= tv.tv_usec;
>                 now.tv_sec -= tv.tv_sec;
>                 if (now.tv_usec < 0)
>                         now.tv_usec += 1000000, now.tv_sec -= 1;
>                 printf("CPU time used = %g\n",
>                        now.tv_sec + (double) now.tv_usec / 1000000);
>         }
>         return 0;
> }
> So what are you doing here?

I'm not sure :) You seem to be very proficient at programming,
why don't then just take a look at the code in glue/clplumbing.
Search for exec_time.



> Regards,
> Ulrich
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