On 3/1/12 6:34 AM, emmanuel segura wrote:
> try to change the fence daemon tag like this
> ====================================
>  <fence_daemon clean_start="1" post_join_delay="30" />
> ====================================
> change your cluster config version and after reboot the cluster

This did not change the behavior of the cluster. In particular, I'm still
dealing with this:

>>>> - If the system starts with cman running, and I start drbd, it's
>>>> likely that system who is _not_ Outdated will be fenced (rebooted).

> Il giorno 01 marzo 2012 12:28, William Seligman <selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
>> ha scritto:
>> On 3/1/12 4:15 AM, emmanuel segura wrote:
>>> can you show me your /etc/cluster/cluster.conf?
>>> because i think your problem it's a fencing-loop
>> Here it is:
>> /etc/cluster/cluster.conf:
>> <?xml version="1.0"?>
>> <cluster config_version="17" name="Nevis_HA">
>>  <logging debug="off"/>
>>  <cman expected_votes="1" two_node="1" />
>>  <clusternodes>
>>    <clusternode 
>> name="hypatia-tb.nevis.**columbia.edu<http://hypatia-tb.nevis.columbia.edu>"
>> nodeid="1">
>>      <altname 
>> name="hypatia-private.nevis.**columbia.edu<http://hypatia-private.nevis.columbia.edu>"
>> port="5405"
>> mcast=""/>
>>      <fence>
>>        <method name="pcmk-redirect">
>>          <device name="pcmk" 
>> port="hypatia-tb.nevis.**columbia.edu<http://hypatia-tb.nevis.columbia.edu>
>> "/>
>>        </method>
>>      </fence>
>>    </clusternode>
>>    <clusternode 
>> name="orestes-tb.nevis.**columbia.edu<http://orestes-tb.nevis.columbia.edu>"
>> nodeid="2">
>>      <altname 
>> name="orestes-private.nevis.**columbia.edu<http://orestes-private.nevis.columbia.edu>"
>> port="5405"
>> mcast=""/>
>>      <fence>
>>        <method name="pcmk-redirect">
>>          <device name="pcmk" 
>> port="orestes-tb.nevis.**columbia.edu<http://orestes-tb.nevis.columbia.edu>
>> "/>
>>        </method>
>>      </fence>
>>    </clusternode>
>>  </clusternodes>
>>  <fencedevices>
>>    <fencedevice name="pcmk" agent="fence_pcmk"/>
>>  </fencedevices>
>>  <fence_daemon post_join_delay="30" />
>>  <rm disabled="1" />
>> </cluster>
>>  Il giorno 01 marzo 2012 01:03, William Seligman<seligman@nevis.**
>>> columbia.edu <selig...@nevis.columbia.edu>
>>>> ha scritto:
>>>  On 2/28/12 7:26 PM, Lars Ellenberg wrote:
>>>>> On Tue, Feb 28, 2012 at 03:51:29PM -0500, William Seligman wrote:
>>>>>> <off-topic>
>>>>>> Sigh. I wish that were the reason.
>>>>>> The reason why I'm doing dual-primary is that I've a got a 
>>>>>> single-primary two-node cluster in production that simply doesn't
>>>>>> work. One node runs resources; the other sits and twiddles its
>>>>>> fingers; fine. But when primary goes down, secondary has trouble
>>>>>> starting up all the resources; when we've actually had primary
>>>>>> failures (UPS goes haywire, hard drive failure) the secondary often
>>>>>> winds up in a state in which it runs none of the significant
>>>>>> resources.
>>>>>> With the dual-primary setup I have now, both machines are running 
>>>>>> the resources that typically cause problems in my single-primary 
>>>>>> configuration. If one box goes down, the other doesn't have to 
>>>>>> failover anything; it's already running them. (I needed IPaddr2
>>>>>> cloning to work properly for this to work, which is why I started
>>>>>> that thread... and all the stupider of me for missing that crucial
>>>>>> page in Clusters From Scratch.)
>>>>>> My only remaining problem with the configuration is restoring a 
>>>>>> fenced node to the cluster. Hence my tests, and the reason why I
>>>>>> started this thread.
>>>>>> </off-topic>

>>>>> Uhm, I do think that is exactly on topic.
>>>>> Rather fix your resources to be able to successfully take over,
>>>>> than add even more complexity.
>>>>> What resources would that be,
>>>>> and why are they not taking over?
>>>> I can't tell you in detail, because the major snafu happened on a 
>>>> production system after a power outage a few months ago. My goal was to
>>>> get the thing stable as quickly as possible. In the end, that turned
>>>> out to be a non-HA configuration: One runs corosync+pacemaker+drbd,
>>>> while the other just runs drbd. It works, in the sense that the users
>>>> get their e-mail. If there's a power outage, I have to bring things up
>>>> manually.
>>>> So my only reference is the test-bench dual-primary setup I've got
>>>> now, which is exhibiting the same kinds of problems even though the OS
>>>> versions, software versions, and layout are different. This suggests
>>>> that the problem lies in the way I'm setting up the configuration.
>>>> The problems I have seem to be in the general category of "the 'good
>>>> guy' gets fenced when the 'bad guy' gets into trouble." Examples:
>>>> - Assuming I start out with two crashed nodes. If I just start up DRBD 
>>>> and nothing else, the partitions sync quickly with no problems.
>>>> - If the system starts with cman running, and I start drbd, it's
>>>> likely that system who is _not_ Outdated will be fenced (rebooted).
>>>> Same thing if cman+pacemaker is running.
>>>> - Cloned ocf:heartbeat:exportfs resources are giving me problems as
>>>> well (which is why I tried making changes to that resource script).
>>>> Assume I start with one node running cman+pacemaker, and the other
>>>> stopped. I turned on the stopped node. This will typically result in
>>>> the running node being fenced, because it has it times out when
>>>> stopping the exportfs resource.
>>>> Falling back to DRBD 8.3.12 didn't change this behavior.
>>>> My pacemaker configuration is long, so I'll excerpt what I think are
>>>> the relevant pieces in the hope that it will be enough for someone to
>>>> say "You fool! This is covered in Pacemaker Explained page 56!" When
>>>> bringing up a stopped node, in order to restart AdminClone pacemaker
>>>> wants to stop ExportsClone, then Gfs2Clone, then ClvmdClone. As I said,
>>>> it's the failure to stop ExportMail on the running node that causes it
>>>> to be fenced.
>>>> primitive AdminDrbd ocf:linbit:drbd \
>>>>        params drbd_resource="admin" \
>>>>        op monitor interval="60s" role="Master" \
>>>>        op monitor interval="59s" role="Slave" \
>>>>        op stop interval="0" timeout="320" \
>>>>        op start interval="0" timeout="240"
>>>> ms AdminClone AdminDrbd \
>>>>        meta master-max="2" master-node-max="1" \
>>>>        clone-max="2" clone-node-max="1" notify="true"
>>>> primitive Clvmd lsb:clvmd op monitor interval="30s"
>>>> clone ClvmdClone Clvmd
>>>> colocation Clvmd_With_Admin inf: ClvmdClone AdminClone:Master
>>>> order Admin_Before_Clvmd inf: AdminClone:promote ClvmdClone:start
>>>> primitive Gfs2 lsb:gfs2 op monitor interval="30s"
>>>> clone Gfs2Clone Gfs2
>>>> colocation Gfs2_With_Clvmd inf: Gfs2Clone ClvmdClone
>>>> order Clvmd_Before_Gfs2 inf: ClvmdClone Gfs2Clone
>>>> primitive ExportMail ocf:heartbeat:exportfs \
>>>>        op start interval="0" timeout="40" \
>>>>        op stop interval="0" timeout="45" \
>>>>        params clientspec="mail" directory="/mail" fsid="30"
>>>> clone ExportsClone ExportMail
>>>> colocation Exports_With_Gfs2 inf: ExportsClone Gfs2Clone
>>>> order Gfs2_Before_Exports inf: Gfs2Clone ExportsClone

Bill Seligman             | Phone: (914) 591-2823
Nevis Labs, Columbia Univ | mailto://selig...@nevis.columbia.edu
PO Box 137                |
Irvington NY 10533 USA    | http://www.nevis.columbia.edu/~seligman/

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