Sorry Willian

But i think clvmd it must be used with



crm confgiure
primitive clvmd  ocf:lvm2:clvmd params daemon_timeout="30"

clone cln_clvmd clvmd

and rember clvmd depend on dlm, so for the dlm you sould same

Il giorno 13 marzo 2012 17:29, William Seligman <
> ha scritto:

> I'm not sure if this is a "Linux-HA" question; please direct me to the
> appropriate list if it's not.
> I'm setting up a two-node cman+pacemaker+gfs2 cluster as described in
> "Clusters
> From Scratch." Fencing is through forcibly rebooting a node by cutting and
> restoring its power via UPS.
> My fencing/failover tests have revealed a problem. If I gracefully turn
> off one
> node ("crm node standby"; "service pacemaker stop"; "shutdown -r now") all
> the
> resources transfer to the other node with no problems. If I cut power to
> one
> node (as would happen if it were fenced), the lsb::clvmd resource on the
> remaining node eventually fails. Since all the other resources depend on
> clvmd,
> all the resources on the remaining node stop and the cluster is left with
> nothing running.
> I've traced why the lsb::clvmd fails: The monitor/status command includes
> "vgdisplay", which hangs indefinitely. Therefore the monitor will always
> time-out.
> So this isn't a problem with pacemaker, but with clvmd/dlm: If a node is
> cut
> off, the cluster isn't handling it properly. Has anyone on this list seen
> this
> before? Any ideas?
> Details:
> versions:
> Redhat Linux 6.2 (kernel 2.6.32)
> cman-
> corosync-1.4.1
> pacemaker-1.1.6
> lvm2-2.02.87
> lvm2-cluster-2.02.87
> cluster.conf: <>
> output of "crm configure show": <>
> output of "lvm dumpconfig": <>
> /var/log/cluster/dlm_controld.log and /var/log/cluster/gfs_controld.log
> show
> nothing. When I shut down power to one nodes (orestes-tb), the output of
> grep -E "(dlm|gfs2|clvmd)" /var/log/messages is <
> --
> Bill Seligman             | Phone: (914) 591-2823
> Nevis Labs, Columbia Univ | mailto://
> PO Box 137                |
> Irvington NY 10533 USA    |
> _______________________________________________
> Linux-HA mailing list
> See also:

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