maybe you can use openvswitch

2013/4/30 Lang, David <>

> I've thought about this for a few years, but have not yet implemented it.
> What I would look at is setting up a new virtual network that trunks your
> two physical networks together and you can then use the IP on that trunk
> for your communication.
> David Lang
> Richard Comblen <> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a two node setup with replicated PostgreSQL DB (master/slave
> setup). Focus is on keeping the system up and running, not on
> capacity.
> All good, that works fine.
> Now, a new requirement shows up: the two nodes should be connected
> using two physically separated networks, and should survive failure of
> one of the two networks.
> The two nodes communicate together for PostgreSQL replication.
> Initially, the slave will communicate with the master on network 1,
> and if network 1 fails, it should switch to network 2.
> Obviously, I cannot use a virtual-ip over two different networks. What
> would be the closest solution in term of features ?
> I was thinking about having a resource agent managing a port forward
> rule on slave node, something like localhost:5433 =>
> master_ip_on_network1:5432, that would switch to localhost:5433 =>
> master_ip_on_network2:5432, so that it would be transparent for the
> replication tool.
> Do you know if such a resource agent is already implemented somewhere ?
> Do you have remarks, comments about such a setup ?
> Do you have suggestion on a better way to achieve these requirements ?
> Thanks,
> Richard
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