Version Info:
OS:                     CentOS 6.4
Kernel (current):       2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64
Pacemaker:              1.1.8-7.el6
Corosync:               1.4.1-15.el6_4
CRMSH:                  1.2.5-55.4

I'm using a number of documents from, specific to this 
question I'm using "Pacemaker-1.1-Pacemaker_Explained-en-US.pdf" and I'm 
in Chapter 8, section 8.4 regarding the use of node parameters to control 
resource location.  This particular document appears to rely almost solely 
on XML snippets for its examples, and in this case these snippets are the 
only examples.  In an online archive of the mailing list for Pacemaker I 
found a similar question from Jan 11, 2010 where the questioner was 
referred to:
        "Or read the crm_cli doc at
        Dejan "

However the document referred to, "crm_cli doc", no longer appears to be 
hosted on  Does anyone know of its new location?  Or the 
location of a similar document which will explain the correct syntax for 
using 'crm' to configure a rule?

I have defined a node parameter called "class", and I want to have a rule 
which provides a score based on the class value (which is either 'A' or 
'B' at the moment, but could increase to other values at a later date.) 
For example here is a snippet from 'crm configure show' of two nodes in 
the cluster:

        node gpmhac01 \
                attributes class="A" kernel="2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64"
        node gpmhac09 \
                attributes class="B" kernel="2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64"

I have a defined group called 'HACMASTER':

  Resource Group: HACMASTER
      HACMASTER-JOBFILE  (ocf::PPS:hacJobFile):  Started gpmhac01
      HACMASTER-PWFILE   (ocf::PPS:hacPWFile):   Started gpmhac01
      HACMASTER-JAVA     (ocf::PPS:hacJavaLinks):        Started gpmhac01
      HACMASTER-SSHKEYS  (ocf::PPS:hacSSHKeys):  Started gpmhac01
      HACMASTER-EXT-IP   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started gpmhac01
      HACMASTER-BAK-IP   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started gpmhac01
      HACMASTER-COMM-IP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started gpmhac01
      HACMASTER-STOR-IP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started gpmhac01

As you can see it got started on 'gpmhac01', which from the snippet above 
this has a node class of 'A'.  I would like to write a location constraint 
rule which basically gives a significantly higher score if the node class 
is 'B'.  I do not want to prohibit the resource group from running on a 
class 'A' system, but I want it to run on a class 'B' if at all possible.

Can someone either point me to a document which more fully explains the 
syntax, and hopefully provides examples, of the crm shell for the use of 
things beyond simple configuration of primitives, to include configuration 
examples of rules?  Or at the very least can someone give me an example of 
a crm configure rule configuration for a node parameter OTHER THAN then 
node name?  I have twelve (12) nodes in this cluster, six are class 'A' 
and six are class 'B', I don't want to have to write twelve location 
constraints for the same resource group if I can simply use a node 
parameter to do the same thing -- which I think I should be able to do.

Thanks very much,


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