On Tue, 21 May 2013, Ulrich Windl wrote:

> Hi!
> I don't know what you are trying to do, but could "node coloring" do what you 
> want (run resources on nodes with a specific color (red/green/yellow))?
> Regards,
> Ulrich

I can't find any references to "node coloring" in the documentation that I 
have, or through a quick search online so I don't know if that applies to 
my situation.

What I am trying to do is to have a resource group prefer to run on a 
specific class of node over other classes of nodes by using a special node 
attribute that I define for each node.  I want to do this so that I can 
avoid setting a location constraint score for each individual node, and 
instead provide a location constraint score for each 'class' of nodes - 
based on the node attribute value.  But I do NOT want the resource group 
excluded from running on other classes of nodes, I just want it to prefer 
a specific class.

I **think** what I need would look like this in XML, based on Example 8.9 
from the document previously mentioned in my original post:

<rsc_location id="hacmaster-prefers-b" rsc="HACMASTER">
    <rule id="prefer-b-rule" score="1000">
       <expression id="prefer-b-expr" attribute="#class"
        operation="eq" value="B"/>

However since we are frequently and repeatedly admonished to NOT directly 
edit XML code - and I honestly do NOT want to edit XML code -  but rather 
to use the tools provided (i.e. crm, pcs, etc.) I am looking for the 
syntax for setting such a rule using crm.  Assuming to begin with, of 
course, that such a rule is possible in the first place.



>>>> Tony Stocker <tony.stoc...@nasa.gov> schrieb am 21.05.2013 um 14:25 in
> Nachricht
> <alpine.lrh.2.03.1305211212370.10...@tf6102xuryqne.ccf.rbfqvf.anfn.tbi>:
>> Version Info:
>> OS:                     CentOS 6.4
>> Kernel (current):       2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64
>> Pacemaker:              1.1.8-7.el6
>> Corosync:               1.4.1-15.el6_4
>> CRMSH:                  1.2.5-55.4
>> I'm using a number of documents from clusterlabs.org, specific to this
>> question I'm using "Pacemaker-1.1-Pacemaker_Explained-en-US.pdf" and I'm
>> in Chapter 8, section 8.4 regarding the use of node parameters to control
>> resource location.  This particular document appears to rely almost solely
>> on XML snippets for its examples, and in this case these snippets are the
>> only examples.  In an online archive of the mailing list for Pacemaker I
>> found a similar question from Jan 11, 2010 where the questioner was
>> referred to:
>>      "Or read the crm_cli doc at clusterlabs.org.
>>      Thanks,
>>      Dejan "
>> However the document referred to, "crm_cli doc", no longer appears to be
>> hosted on clusterlabs.org.  Does anyone know of its new location?  Or the
>> location of a similar document which will explain the correct syntax for
>> using 'crm' to configure a rule?
>> I have defined a node parameter called "class", and I want to have a rule
>> which provides a score based on the class value (which is either 'A' or
>> 'B' at the moment, but could increase to other values at a later date.)
>> For example here is a snippet from 'crm configure show' of two nodes in
>> the cluster:
>>      node gpmhac01 \
>>              attributes class="A" kernel="2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64"
>>      node gpmhac09 \
>>              attributes class="B" kernel="2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64"
>> I have a defined group called 'HACMASTER':
>>   Resource Group: HACMASTER
>>       HACMASTER-JOBFILE  (ocf::PPS:hacJobFile):  Started gpmhac01
>>       HACMASTER-PWFILE   (ocf::PPS:hacPWFile):   Started gpmhac01
>>       HACMASTER-JAVA     (ocf::PPS:hacJavaLinks):        Started gpmhac01
>>       HACMASTER-SSHKEYS  (ocf::PPS:hacSSHKeys):  Started gpmhac01
>>       HACMASTER-EXT-IP   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started gpmhac01
>>       HACMASTER-BAK-IP   (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started gpmhac01
>>       HACMASTER-COMM-IP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started gpmhac01
>>       HACMASTER-STOR-IP  (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):       Started gpmhac01
>> As you can see it got started on 'gpmhac01', which from the snippet above
>> this has a node class of 'A'.  I would like to write a location constraint
>> rule which basically gives a significantly higher score if the node class
>> is 'B'.  I do not want to prohibit the resource group from running on a
>> class 'A' system, but I want it to run on a class 'B' if at all possible.
>> Can someone either point me to a document which more fully explains the
>> syntax, and hopefully provides examples, of the crm shell for the use of
>> things beyond simple configuration of primitives, to include configuration
>> examples of rules?  Or at the very least can someone give me an example of
>> a crm configure rule configuration for a node parameter OTHER THAN then
>> node name?  I have twelve (12) nodes in this cluster, six are class 'A'
>> and six are class 'B', I don't want to have to write twelve location
>> constraints for the same resource group if I can simply use a node
>> parameter to do the same thing -- which I think I should be able to do.
>> Thanks very much,
>> Tony
>> --
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