On 2013-12-28 04:34, Tracy Reed wrote:
First, thanks in advance for any help anyone may provide. I've been battling
this problem off and on for months and it is driving me mad:

Once every week or two my cluster fails. For reasons unknown it seems to
initiate a failover and then the shorewall service (lsb) does not get started
(or is stopped). The majority of the time it happens just after 4am. Although
it has happened at other times, although much less frequently. Tonight I am
going to have to be up at 4am to poke around on the cluster and observe what is
happening, if anything.

Log rotation tends to run around that time on Red Hat. Check your logrotate configuration. Maybe something is rotating corosync logs and using the wrong signal to start a new log file.

Or, if not that, could it be some other cronned task?
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