On Fri, Dec 27, 2013 at 08:54:17PM PST, Jefferson Ogata spake thusly:
> Log rotation tends to run around that time on Red Hat. Check your logrotate
> configuration. Maybe something is rotating corosync logs and using the wrong
> signal to start a new log file.

That was actually the first thing I looked at! I found
/etc/logrotate.d/shorewall and removed it. But that seems to have had no effect
on the problem. That file has been gone for 3 weeks, the machines rebooted (not
that it should matter), and the problem has happened several times since then.

I've searched all over and can't find anything. And it doesn't even happen
every morning, just every week or two. Hard to nail down a real pattern other
than usually (not always) 4am.

> Or, if not that, could it be some other cronned task?

These firewall machines are standard CentOS boxes. The stock crons (logrotate
etc) and a 5 minute nagios passive check are the only things on them as far as
I can tell. Although I haven't quite figured out what causes logrotate to run
at 4am. I know it is in the /etc/cron.daily/logrotate but what runs this at
4am? Is 4am some special hard-coded time in crond? 

I just noticed that there is an /etc/logrotate.d/cman which rotates
/var/log/cluster/*log Could this somehow be an issue? I'm running pacemaker and
corosync but I'm not running cman:

# /etc/init.d/cman status
cman is not running

Should I be? I don't think it is necessary for this particular kind of
cluster... But since it isn't running it shouldn't matter.

Oddly, I just noticed this in my tail -f of the logs (no idea what triggered
it, but I did run /etc/init.d/cman status on the other node) which actually
mentions cman:

# Dec 27 21:55:05 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
crm_client_new:    Connecting 0x2485d00 for uid=0 gid=0 pid=11103 
Dec 27 21:55:05 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
cib_process_request:         Completed cib_query operation for section 'all': 
OK (rc=0, origin=local/crm_mon/2, version=0.391.5)
Dec 27 21:55:05 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
crm_compress_string:         Compressed 201733 bytes into 12221 (ratio 16:1) in 
Dec 27 21:55:05 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
crm_client_destroy:  Destroying 0 events
Dec 27 21:55:05 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
crm_client_new:      Connecting 0x2485d00 for uid=0 gid=0 pid=11105 
Dec 27 21:55:05 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
cib_process_request:         Completed cib_query operation for section 'all': 
OK (rc=0, origin=local/cibadmin/2, version=0.391.5)
Dec 27 21:55:05 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
crm_compress_string:         Compressed 201732 bytes into 12220 (ratio 16:1) in 
Dec 27 21:55:05 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
crm_client_destroy:  Destroying 0 events
Set r/w permissions for uid=0, gid=0 on /var/log/cluster/corosync.log
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: process_ais_conf: Reading configure
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] ERROR: process_ais_conf: You have configured 
a cluster using the Pacemaker plugin for Corosync. The plugin is not supported 
in this environment and will be removed very soon.
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] ERROR: process_ais_conf:  Please see Chapter 
8 of 'Clusters from Scratch' (http://www.clusterlabs.org/doc) for details on 
using Pacemaker with CMAN
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: config_find_init: Local handle: 
7178156903111852040 for logging
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: config_find_next: Processing additional 
logging options...
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: Found 'off' for option: 
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: Found 'yes' for option: 
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: Found 
'/var/log/cluster/corosync.log' for option: logfile
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: Found 'yes' for option: 
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: Defaulting to 'daemon' 
for option: syslog_facility
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: config_find_init: Local handle: 
5773499849093677065 for quorum
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: config_find_next: No additional 
configuration supplied for: quorum
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: No default for option: 
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: config_find_init: Local handle: 
7711695921217536010 for service
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: config_find_next: Processing additional 
service options...
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: Found '1' for option: 
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: process_ais_conf: Enabling MCP mode: 
Use the Pacemaker init script to complete Pacemaker startup
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: Defaulting to 'pcmk' 
for option: clustername
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: Defaulting to 'no' for 
option: use_logd
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: get_config_opt: Defaulting to 'no' for 
option: use_mgmtd
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_exec_dump: Local id: 1409417226, 
uname: new-fw2.mydomain.com, born: 4480
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: pcmk_exec_dump: Membership id: 4480, 
quorate: true, expected: 2, actual: 2
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: member_dump_fn:  node id:1409417226, 
uname=new-fw2.mydomain.com state=member processes=0000000000000000 born=4480 
seen=4480 addr=r(0) ip(  version=1.1.10-14.el6
Dec 27 21:55:07 corosync [pcmk  ] info: member_dump_fn:  node id:1392640010, 
uname=new-fw1.mydomain.com state=member processes=0000000000000000 born=4472 
seen=4480 addr=r(0) ip(  version=1.1.10-14.el6
Dec 27 21:55:07 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
crm_client_new:      Connecting 0x2485d00 for uid=0 gid=0 pid=11283 
Dec 27 21:55:07 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
cib_process_request:         Completed cib_query operation for section 'all': 
OK (rc=0, origin=local/crm_mon/2, version=0.391.5)
Dec 27 21:55:07 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
crm_compress_string:         Compressed 201733 bytes into 12230 (ratio 16:1) in 
Dec 27 21:55:07 [1541] new-fw2.mydomain.com        cib:     info: 
crm_client_destroy:  Destroying 0 events

I don't see this directly relating to my problem but who knows...

Tracy Reed
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See also: http://linux-ha.org/ReportingProblems

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